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Inclusive² Impact Investing
BUY - Buy - Hold - Sell
Feiten, Mythes & de Oorsprong
Facts, Myths, Fallacies
All investing is Impact Investing
MYTH: Economic growth provides for all. Profit → jobs → income → basic needs & taxation for societies services.
FALLACY: Oversimplification. Market failures, regulation & uneven development stages affect (re)distrubution & innovation
Impact investing is offered in all Asset Classes
Cash (convertible) Debt, Fixed Income, Bonds, Stock, Private Equity & in high & low end products: index- robofunds, ETPs, Notes
MYTH: #ImpInv won't scale because it is limited to unsecure(d) Private Equity investments and a few large investors. FALLACY: Misrepresentation: refers to pioneers pitching exotic products. #Impinv is going mainstream with public equity products.
Developing new markets ('stars') requires a vision & strategy, risk appetite, patience & flexibility. Catalytic Impact Investing
MYTH: #ImpInv won't scale because it is limited to Venture Capitalists: seed & start up capital and/or high risk growth capital.
FALLACY: Red Herring: refers to the marginal riskiest, most ambitious projects, partly funded by grants or impact first capital#
66% of the larger most active Impact Investors 'balance impact & return' to grow both their impact & (investment) capital
MYTH Impact first investing for (be) low market return, capital preserving to spending endowments are dominant strategies
FALLACY Misrepresentation: Favoring Impact over Return (and failed) impact investment is (partial) Philanthropy
#ImpInv is exclusive requires 100k sometimes millions for complex funds. Traditional trickle down development strategy
MYTHS #Impinv is only for High Net Worth Individuals, charities & institutional impact ambitious investors doing big deals paying large fees. Thus unaccessible & unaffordable.
FALLACY Cherry picking: based on the dominant narrative & data from large (as in the minimum deal size) investors.
#ImpInv is inclusive² it starts with a few bucks per deal, fees can be as low as 0 to invest in the excluded & underserved.
MYTH Impact Investing will not scale because turnover & margins are low and investees have no access to capital to be effective consumers. FALLACIES Jumping to conclusions: small investors & consumers can build big markets. Such as Micro & Inclusive Finance, the Bottom of the Pyramid, Women Entrepreneurs & Community Cevelopment
#ImpInv is more than rebranding Ethical / SRI / ESG & Thematic Investing. Broad & Deep Impact
MYTH: 'Doing less harm' by exclusion & divesting policies such as ESG (risk) integration is 'Doing good'.
FALLACY: False dichotomy: Are you investing for 'Good' or 'Less Harm'? What kind, Where , for Whom? at wWat impact price?
Impact Investing is limited to basic needs markets with low(er) growth & volatility + higher governmental pressure & regulation
MYTH: There is no money in simple cheap every day neccesities such as housing, land, unprocessed food, tapwater, waste, health, education, welfare because Governments overregulate.
FALLACY Oversimplification: Ignoring value added by specialization & 'mega' trends: no nonsense production & distribution processes. Frugal innovation & exponential growth.
Impact investing is focused on technological innovation & often capital & knowledge intensive
MYTH Technological innovation leads to more complex products & services for fewer customers and shrinking markets. FALLACY Misrepresentation: eg internet & IT now have global presence providing affordable access to information, products & services.
What gets measured gets managed, measure the right data & use the right metrics. Impact metrics systems are converging with GRI4 global reporting & ESG systems
MYTH Measuring impact is to complex to vague and to normative. ESG metrics are tailored to fit multinationals, to quantitative, report irrelevant data & are often PR tools & impact washing.
FALLACY False dichotomy: Measure Input → Output → Outcome → Impact. ESG materiality per sector – themei.
'Mean & Lean' impact data merges with for profit marketresearch.
Wat voor Impact Investing Adviseur bent U?
Een Generieke Distributeur ?
Een Goeroe ?
Een Gevorderde ?
Een Dreumes ?
Een Beginner ?
Een Gordon Gecko ?
NED: https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/welk-profiel-heeft-uw-impact-investing-adviseur
ENG: https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/what-kind-of-impact-investing-advisor-are-have-you