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Inclusive² Impact Investing
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- Inclusive Impact Investment Rating© - Impact Bijsluiter voor Beleggingsproducten© - Ideale Inclusieve Impact Investing Product© -
- Impact Asset Classes© - Types Impact Investing© -
Inclusive² Impact Investing Services
Discover Our Expertise
Inclusive² Impact Investing exists to solve the critical issues facing our clients, both large and small. Our unique approach is not only what differentiates us, but also what makes us successful. We provide a broad range of services and solutions to help organizations facilitate change, achieve their vision and optimize performance and productivity.
Strategic Planning
Does your company need our services? Message us today.
Available, Affordable, Attractive
Inclusive Impact Investment Rating©
Inclusive² Impact Investment© Rating analyse of Impact Levels©, Product Characteristics ©, Finance (analists advice, presence in funds, major interests & voting), Impact Asset Class(es)© & Impact Investment Type©. TOOLS© by @Alcanne
6: Ik vind impact belangrijker dan rendement.
5: Ik investeer voor marktconformrendement in basisbehoeften.
4: Ik investeer voor marktconform rendement in wereldwijde bedreigingen.
3: Ik investeer voor marktconform rendement in ESG kansen.
2: Ik investeer voor marktconform rendement in ESG risico.
1: Ik investeer niet in schadelijke sectoren en producten
5 Types
Klassiek Filantropie Direct & Indirect Crowdfunding
Inclusive Innovative Infinite
Prijs Rendement Impact
Katalysator Publiek
NED https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/toelichting-op-de-impact-bijsluiter-15-feb15-pdf-44708958
ENG https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/case-impact-indicator-investment-products-alcanne-houtzaager/
HANDLEIDING https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/investeren-met-de-impact-bijsluiter
ENG https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/investing-with-the-impact-indicator-eng
NED https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/broad-deep-impact-investing
5 Types Impact Investing
NED https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/5-types-impact-investing
ENG https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/mapping-impact-investing-49028043
Het ideale Impact Investing product
NED https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/het-ideale-inclusieve-impact-investerings-product-nederlands
ENG https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/inclusive-impact-investment-products-alcanne-houtzaager/
Impact Asset Classes
NED https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/impact-asset-classes-20
- Where - Who - What -
Impact Asset Classes
Impact Asset Classes toont de breedte van het Impact Investing universum en de ruime spreidingsmogelijkheden.
NED https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/impact-asset-classes-20
Indices & ETFs
Betaalbaarheid & Toegankelijkheid staan voorop.
Dus begin ik met fondsen in 'impact' indices & etf's.
Uw gids voor het land van impact doelen, metrics, instrumenten, case studies, coalities & netwerken.
Databases & Methodes
Online staan impact criteria, prestaties, ESG scores, impact indices etc. Ik vertel u waar en wat nieuw is.
Vragen, Voorstellen, Visies ?