+31622755066 +35679864190
Inclusive² Impact Investing
BUY - Buy - Hold - Sell
Mission-Related Investing
Responsible Asset Management is the lowest threshold for charities. Investing in the mission is effectively using all it's capital with market research, seed & start-up grants, providing growth capital loans and risk capital giving dividend and added value once social enterprises have taken off. Selected Dutch charities have accelerated at least over 1,5billion Euro in impact investments.
I also looked into the investment instruments used by American charities and their IRS reports published by Mission Markets & the Stanford Social Innovation Review series on 10 years Impact Investing.
Dutch with English names, quotes & terminology on p.26-40
https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/toekomst-van-filantropie (June 2017)
Crowdfunding for Impact
Grants & Growthcapital
Charities wanting to scale their successful pilots & projects often lobby for public body subsidies or implementation. Not always: the Dutch Kidney Foundation, de Nierstichting seeks private capital for her improved portable dialysis machine. Startfoundation for work&training projects through SIBs and StDOEN has a crowdfunding platform OnePlanetCrowd for sustainable projects.
All charities can effectively scale their successes through crowdfunding, not for themselves and donations but with growth capital. Preferably at modest interest rates to support the social enterprise and repaid to invest again and again and again.... Fundraising charities have supporters, volunteers. fundraisers & donors. Make them also your mission investors supporting scaling successes.
Dutch: Sustainable Investing versus impact investing & Charities versus Social Entrepreneurs:
Link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/duurzaam-beleggen-versus-impact-investing-goede-alcanne-houtzaager/ (sept 2015)
Charity Cases
Charity Cases Netherlands A-N. Dutch
Link: http://impactinvestingnews.blogspot.com.mt/p/charity-cases-nederland-n.html
Charity Cases NetherlandsO-Z & US. Dutch
Link: http://impactinvestingnews.blogspot.com.mt/p/charity-cases-nederland-o-z-en-de-vs.html
20 Impact Investments of US charities. The Mission Markets guide with IRS reports
Link: http://impactinvestingnews.blogspot.com.mt/2016/02/impact-investing-nieuws-15-februari-2016.html
10 Impact Investments of US Charities. Mission Markets guide with IRS reports.
Link: http://impactinvestingnews.blogspot.com.mt/2016/03/impact-investing-nieuws-1-maart-2016.html
10 Impact Investing Charities in the USA in the Stanford Social Innovation Review series Spring 2017. Strategies, experiences & tips. Investment vehicles highlighted. Link: https://www.slideshare.net/alcanne/impact-investing-nieuws-15-mei-2017
Impact Investing door Goede Doelen made simple (2012 & 2015)
-1- Eerst geeft een goed doel start-up geld aan een sociale onderneming;
-2- dan leent het groeikapitaal en daarna;
-3- investeert het in aandelen of obligaties na de beursgang. Link: http://impactinvestingnews.blogspot.com.mt/p/impact-investing-door-goede-doelen-en.html
Of begin met een impact Investing Instrument, de Social Impact Bond: