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Inclusive² Impact Investing
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Innovative Impact Instruments
Listed Charity Bonds
London Stock Exchange
The London Stock Exchange retail platform (ORB) lists charity bonds for (supported) Social Housing (asset backed), charity shops, charity financing, sports etc.
Listing has accelerated with the dedicated listing vehicle Retail Charity Bond Plc an initiative of Allia, a social investment pioneer.
Crowdfunding for Impact
Inclusive Private Equity
Crowdfunding grows rapidly overtaking Venture Capital and is regulated by governments. I monitor the Dutch crowdfunding market which is part of the EU regulatory zone. Dedicated impact platforms offer propositions such as local & community development projects, entrepreneurs in developing countries, health care & wellness, renewable energy, sustainable products & services, culture etc.
Social Impact Bonds
Innovative but Exclusive
The Netherlands is Europe's continental champion with 9 Social Impact & Health Impact Bonds.
Pioneer Startfoundation finances, local, national & cross-border SIBs preferably with the contracter and financials such as ABNAMRO Social Impact Fund & stakeholders such as health insurer Amersfoortse (a.s.r.).
Nominal 100.000 Euro of US$
Green or Climatebonds
Since the 1st Climatebond emission by the European Investment Bank in 2009 these exclusive bonds have grown a modest market share.The exclusive bonds with high ratings and low coupon are oversubscribed and popular with institutional investors.
Once the fundraising instrument of choice for Development Banks it has become popular with corporations, nations and municipalities to finance investments in public transport, renewable energy, water management, sustainable property etc.
Climatebonds.net is the best source for emissions news, market trends & growth reports.
Summary of the programmes & listed equity of development banks (in Dutch):