Stap 3 Impact Investing
STAP 1 Wel of Niet investeren in Schadelijke Producten
STAP 2 Wel of Niet investeren in Gevaarlijk Werk
STAP 3 Wel of Niet investeren in Gelijke Behandeling
STAP 4 Wel of Niet: Basisbehoeften & Impact Tech
STAP 5 Wel of Niet investeren in Opschaling & Efficiency
Wel of Niet investeren in Gelijke Behandeling
'Inclusieve' bedrijven geven hun medewerkers & de medewerkers van hun toeleveranciersklanten & stakeholders gelijke kansen.
Meestal heeft men het over mensenrechten zoals vastgelegd in het 1ste artikel van onze Grondwet, (tegen discriminatie) & extra kansen voor mensen met beperkingen. In vakjargon: Equality & Diversity.
Het thema is ook terug te vinden in het do no harm universum van STAP 1 en het selecteert vooral bedrijven die inclusief zijn. Die hebben doelen, actieplannen en meten hun vooruitgang zoals bijv. toegankelijkheid van minder valide medewerkers, toeleveranciers & klanten, mogelijkheden voor chronisch zieke medewerkers, vrouwelijk managers, gekleurde/minderheden ondernemers etc.
Bedrijven die consumenten producten vermarkten kunnen een grote bijdrage leveren in beeldvorming & acceptatie door hun doelstellingen in de productontwikkeling & reclames te integreren.
Denk aan de nieuwe IKEA tv commercial, de Suit Supply abri posters & PEAKS vrouwelijke investeerder. (Denk daar maar eens over na...)
Bedrijven informatie staat op de website onder duurzaamheid of CSR, in rapportage, jaarverslagen etc. En vooral daden: awards & lawsuits :)
Data over Equality & Diversity voor werknemers & stakeholders is geintegreerd in Social (ESG) & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) prestaties.
Neerlands trots is Equileap, de index van de 200 beste bedrijven voor vrouwen die door 3 grote product aanbieders wordt aangeboden en waarvan Lyxor Global Gender Gap ETF bij DEGIRO beschikbaar is, inclusive. Ook bij UBS & Evolve.
Robeco heeft ook een duurzame darlings largecap Gender Fund.
Er zijn veel inclusive, E & D investment products & indices.
De CSR Hub Employees rating includes disclosure of policies, programs, and performance in diversity, labor relations and labor rights, compensation, benefits, and employee training, health and safety. The evaluation focuses on the quality of policies and programs, compliance with national laws and regulations, and proactive management initiatives. The category includes evaluation of inclusive diversity policies, fair treatment of all employees, robust diversity (EEO-1) programs and training, disclosure of workforce diversity data, strong labor codes (addressing the core ILO standards), comprehensive benefits, demonstrated training and development opportunities, employee health and safety policies, basic and industry-specific safety training, demonstrated safety management systems, and a positive safety performance record.
The Diversity and Labor Rights subcategory covers workplace policies and practices covering fair and non-discriminatory treatment of employees, and its diversity policies. It covers a company’s labor-management relations and participation by employees, National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) violations or patterns of anti-union practice, conformance to internationally recognized worker rights, as defined in the basic conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO). Fundamental labor rights include freedom of association and protection of the right to organize; right to bargain collectively; a minimum age for the employment of children; a prohibition against forced labor; lack of employment and occupational discrimination; and equal compensation. This subcategory measures a company’s ability to maintain diversity, provide equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, and promote work-life balance.
Equality & Diversity standards & data are part of the Global Reporting Initiative (405, effective July 2018). In the context of the GRI Standards, the social dimension of sustainability concerns an organization’s impacts on the social systems within which it operates. GRI 405 addresses the topic of an organization’s approach to diversity and equal opportunity at work. When an organization actively promotes diversity and equality at work, it can generate significant benefits for both the organization and workers. For example, the organization can gain access to a larger and more diverse set of potential workers. These benefits also flow through to society in general, as greater equality promotes social stability and supports further economic development. These concepts are covered in key instruments of the International Labour Organization, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the United Nations: see the References section of this Standard. The disclosures in this Standard can provide information about an organization’s impacts related to diversity and equality at work, and how it manages these impacts. Additional disclosures that relate to this topic can also be found in: GRI 404: Training and Education & GRI 406: Non-discrimination GRI 400 = Social.
The GRI reporting techniques are encouraged to rely on recognized frameworks such as GRI's Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 26000 and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Tripartite Declaration (European Union) Source: Wikipedia. Equality & Diversity (E&D) is part of Social (ESG), Socially Responsible, Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) themes and there are numerous (free) online tools, indices, rankings and ratings on companies performance.
RateSustainability is a research platform for the materiality of sustainability and has a HUB with over 650 indices ratings & rankings
Example: Women on Boards 2020 (%)
4 categories: WINNING 20%+ Women, VERY CLOSE 11–19% Women, TOKEN 1 Woman & ZERO 0 Women
A subset is the 2020 Gender Diversity Index (GDI) based on the
2010 Fortune 1000 list of companies.
Others less transparant: Barclays Women in Leadership Index, Bloomberg Financial Services Gender-Equality Index.
Andere thematische rankings: AARP Best Employers for Workers Over 50,
Vigeo EIRIS Corporate Human Rights Benchmark etc. (100% transparant)....
INTERNE EMPLOYEES REVIEWS Company reviews and ratings. Get the whole story. Search ratings and reviews of over 600,000 companies worldwide. Get the inside scoop and find out what it's really like from people who've actually worked there.
Example: 10 Reviews of the Global Reporting Initiative, Amsterdam.
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*Decision trees inspired by Arjen #ZondagmetLubach