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DECISION TREE 2 Impact Investing

1 Decide on not doing Harm to People (previous post)

2 Decide on not doing Harm to Workers

3 Decide on Fair Treatment of Workers: Equality & Diversity

4 Decide on investing in Basic Needs & Impact Tech

5 Decide on investing in Scaling & Efficiency


STEP 2: Decide on not doing harm to working people,

thus not to invest in companies that do not protect and take care of their workers (families) if the worst happens.

Every workplace has its own risks from where, how and what people work with. Think mining, oil rigs, chemical plants, construction, bike couriers, street sweepers, office & shop staff....

Health & Safety (H&S) policies, records & ambitions can be found on company websites integrated reports & databases. Labor Unions & Investment Advisors monitor companies, sectors and specific issues.

H&S is part of ESG: Environment, Social & Governance reporting by & on companies. Yahoo Finance offers Sustainability data & benchmarks ESG.

Check out online benchmarks of the worst, safest & best workplaces their methodology and intentions. E.g. Fortune, Corporate Knights & (employees review)

Readymade thematic investment products & indices (lists) e.g. the Parnassus Endeavour Fund. (US)



Health & Safety (H&S) for workers & their communities is one of the oldest social, socially responsible, corporate social responsibility themes. These days there are few separate online tools, indices, rankings and ratings on companies performance. H&S data is fully integrated in Social (ESG) & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance.

CSRHub offers companies' free online rating & ranking on 'Employees':

The Employees category includes disclosure of policies, programs, and performance in diversity, labor relations and labor rights, compensation, benefits, and employee training, health and safety.

The evaluation focuses on the quality of policies and programs, compliance with national laws and regulations, and proactive management initiatives. The category includes evaluation of inclusive diversity policies, fair treatment of all employees, robust diversity (EEO-1) programs and training, disclosure of workforce diversity data, strong labor codes (addressing the core ILO standards), comprehensive benefits, demonstrated training and development opportunities, employee health and safety policies, basic and industry-specific safety training, demonstrated safety management systems, and a positive safety performance record.

ILO = International Labor Organization

The Training, Safety and Health subcategory measures a company’s effectiveness in providing a healthy and safe workplace. This subcategory includes accident and safety performance, as well as job training, safety standards and training, and employee-management safety teams.

It includes programs to support the health, well-being and productivity of all employees. This subcategory includes workplace policies and programs that boost employee morale, workplace productivity, company policies and practices to engage employees, and worker development.

Occupational Health & Safety performance data are incorporated in the Global Reporting Initiative (403, effective July 2018). Reporting Standards are issued by the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB).

GRI 400 = Social.

In the context of the GRI Standards, the social dimension of sustainability concerns an organization’s impacts on the social systems within which it operates. The right to a healthy and safe workplace is recognized as a human right and is addressed in various authoritative international instruments:

The reporting techniques are encouraged to rely on recognized frameworks such as GRI's Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 26000 and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Tripartite Declaration (European Union) Source: Wikipedia.

The most recent, mid march 2018, is ISO Health & Safety Standard 45001 (replacing OHSAS 18001)

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*Decision trees inspired by Arjen #ZondagmetLubach

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